

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Madame Bovary

Charles is a unique character with an equally unique upbringing. His parents are polar opposites and clash opinions at every point: his father wishes him to run naked with no education, while his mother dictates ever aspect of his life from education to marriage. The opening vignette of Charles' limited elementary education is very telling about his personality, his hat like himself is an amalgamation of many things. It is not quite one purpose, it does not have one direction. Charles is as scattered as his hat, he does not know who he is. He never had many chances to discover himself outside of his overbearing, domineering wife and mother. Emma is very timid and quiet at first. She is always seen sewing, and behaving prim and proper. From the beginning it seems like she plans on using Charles as her escape from the country, where she feels does not belong, and into the city.

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