

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear Rose

Dear Rose,
Thank you for the letter. Yes, I do remember, that was a number of years ago. You seemed to be pretty broken up, about, that guy, wasn’t he…I can’t really remember, but you looked like the last thing you needed was to be talked at. How did you hear about my family problems? Well, it’s good to know that someone out there cares. I’ve had a really hard time with it, and I haven’t seen my dad since the funeral. About a week ago I bought a new cat, to help me cope. Kiki ran away and Boshi got hit by a car. Now, Chili is my only comfort.
I never knew that’s why people didn’t like me, but you know what I didn’t care what they thought me. You shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself, but I don’t’ have to tell you that. Remember that day I came to school dressed like an atom? So, you should know by now I don’t care what people think. I am who I am, and nothing will change that.
I’m glad to hear from you though; no one seems to keep in touch. I miss you all. Even though you and I were never that close, except for that one day in my office. You seemed like a private person, and we really didn’t talk that much. I heard about your big news from Jess, congratulations. As you know, I still work at Charles Baker, and besides the family issues, there’s not much new with me. Good to know you’re still writing.
Mr. Fabien
P.S. It's ok to call me Henry now.


  1. great would be interesting for you and Kelley to keep up the conversation in letters.... I love the cat names they say alot:)

  2. I love the P.s. part!

    Did Kelly or Jeremy post this? I'm confused..
