

Friday, January 7, 2011

Dear Mr. Casey

I know I haven't posted in a while. I just haven't been inspirted to write anything. Recently, I started reading Perks of being a Wallflower, and was inspired to write this fictional letter.

Dear Mr. Casey,
I hope this letter reaches you in good confidence. I just wanted to tell you I really appreciate you. You may not remember that time I ran into your office afterschool one day, crying, just needing a place for refuge. I didn’t say why I was there, maybe I did, but it probably didn’t make any sense to you. It didn’t even make sense to me. You were there when I needed you, you didn’t ask any questions or try to lecture me, you simply sat there and listened, handing me a tissue when appropriate. I know that you have had a hard time fitting in at Charles Baker High at first. Maybe it is because you have a seemingly unhealthy preoccupation with cats. There is nothing wrong with this if you are an elderly woman in one of those 65 + communities whose children rarely visit now, or a middle class family with 2.5 children a cat and a dog. But, you must admit you don’t see too many single men over 20, who have over 2 cats. Maybe, that is why people always used to give you funny looks and snicker as you walked by. I’m sure if I got to know you better I’d actually like you, but I’ve been very busy. I’ve been studying, reading, writing occasionally when I have the time. I hear life is not all well on your end, with your family troubles. I can’t say I understand, or even know the situation, but all I know is that if that happened to me, I’d be devastated. So, I’m sending you this letter as a bit of encouragement, to let you know that I care, even if I don’t really understand.

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